Monday 20 October 2014

EBOLA: WHO to Declear Nigeria free of Ebola after 42days

The World Health Organization is preparing to announce that Nigeria has not had a confirmed case of Ebola for 42 days – or two incubation periods of 21 days –just as it did for Senegal on Friday.
WHO on Friday declared Senegal free of Ebola after 42 days passed without a new confirmed case.
The benchmark of 42 days is twice the maximum incubation period for the disease.
WHO is expected to make a statement on Monday (today) after the requisite period without a new infection.
I just pray we don’t have another Patrick sawyer/Duncan case, cause the fear of this Ebola can kill faster than the virus it self. i really don’t care about the clean health bill as much as our government securing our boarder and if possible banding flights from this highly infected countries for now.

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