Sunday 26 October 2014

Meet 19-Months Old Baby Whose Family Have Spent £5,000 (N1.3M) on Pageant Dress


Meet 19-month-old beauty queen from Colchester, Essex in the UK whose family have spent £5,000 (N1.3m) on dresses and entry fees for pageants.

Her mother Stephanie Boyden, 32, says Bobbi is a 'diva' who runs to the stage when her name is called - and screams when she has to leave.

She said: 'Bobbi's like a little Beyonce, a little madam really. 'She loves the attention of being up on stage and she screams to get up there. She's definitely a diva. I have to hold her back.

'We were looking for some music for the talent round of the competition and my friend suggested 'Single Ladies' because, like Beyonce, Bobbi loves to dance.

'We put the music on and Bobbi started wiggling straight away. She watched the Beyoncé music video and just started to copy the moves.

Hehehehehe…. Some mothers are so supportive, but would you spend 1.3m for a baby’s pageant?

Isn’t she too young???  Pls share your thoughts.

See cute bikini pics after the cut.



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