Monday 27 October 2014

Security Breached: David Cameron Shoved on The Street by a protester.


David Cameron was shoved in the street by a member of the public this morning in a 'very significant security breach' - sparking an immediate inquiry by Scotland Yard.
The Prime Minister was in Leeds to promote the Government's proposed high speed railway line. But as he came out of the city's Civic Hall a passing jogger ran up to him at speed forcing Mr Cameron to move out of the way while his surrounding security team look on.
Within hours the Metropolitan Police commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe had ordered an investigation into how the man was allowed to get so close to the PM.
It comes less than a week after a lone-wolf gunman killed a soldier before attacking the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.
This afternoon jogger Dean Balboa Farley revealed he was the man who managed to run into Mr Cameron without being stopped by his security squad.
The 28-year-old complained this afternoon he merely 'brushed' the Prime Minister only to be 'assaulted by half a dozen coppers in suits'.
the young man later took to his tweeter. see tweet below.

source: UK Mail

1 comment:

  1. This can never happen in Nigeria. There would have been a cordoning of the whole area for about a hour before the president or prime minister, as the case maybe arrives.
