Wednesday 19 November 2014

Say What! Uk Hotel Fined Guest For Leaving Bad Review.


When a couple left scathing comments on a travel review website that a hotel in northern England they had stayed at was a " filthy, dirty rotten skinking hovel" they thought no more of it until they noticed a 100 (&156/N26k) added to their credit card bill.
According to CNN, the coupleTony and Jan Jenkinson upon investigation found out they had been fined by Broadway Hotel in the seaside resort of Blackpool, which reportedly told them its policy was to charge guests who had left bad reviews.

Heheheheh...Just imagine this happens to you as a naija couple? it get more interesting, read why and bookmark this hotel so you don't fall victimnext summer holly.

The pair, from Whitehaven in Cumbria, wrote on TripAdvisor they chose the hotel because it had "ample parking," but the car park was so full they had to park at a nearby hotel.

 Jenkinson, 63, said he "couldn't believe the state of the room," which cost £36 ($56) a night. "The hot tap didn't work, when we reported it we were told they knew about it and it would be fixed in the morning (we were only there for one night.)
"The drawer fronts fell off when we opened the chest of drawers. Again, they knew about this and it was supposed to be dealt with in the morning."

 "The wallpaper was peeling off the walls, the carpet was thin, dirty and stained. The bed was something else, it must have come out of the ark, the base was all scuffed and dirty and the springs in the mattress attacked you in the night."

Jenkinson complained about the fine to local trading standards officers, who passed the complaint on to Blackpool Council. Gillian Campbell, cabinet member responsible for public protection, said: "Our trading standards team became aware of this issue last week. As a result, we have spoken to the hotel owner and asked for the policy to be removed, which has now happened."

"This is a unique case and not one that we have come across before."

 Jenkinson told the BBC he would fight to get his money refunded, adding: "Annoyed isn't strong enough for how I feel about this, what happened to freedom of speech?

"Everybody we have spoken to says they (the hotel) are not allowed to do this."

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