Wednesday 15 April 2015

How I lost weight+baby fat drinking lot of water- Elizabeth Aluko

A lot of we ladies tend to struggle with weight gain especially after hitting the big 30. Lol, and it's even worse when you ve had a baby. Weight gain after baby tend to throw a lot of wives into depression, lost of self confidence and tend to weaken the relationship with your spouse as most men use this as an excuse to cheat on their wives with a slim sexy younger babe in order to bridge the gap. (No justification for cheating) in order to win this battle ladies most fight back by doing all that is needed to stay healthy, young and sexy as you where (or close) when you first met your spouse. 
My personal experience after my first child taught me a big lesson( talk about experience been the best teacher, lol) I gained a lot of weight up to the point it          became difficult to shed, it took me more than two years to get near desired weight. So when I became pregnant with my second son I vowed to hit the ground running, which I did. Despite how serious my delivery and post delivery/healing period was I stilled kept to my promise by simply drinking a lot of water. Cold water for me but preferably warm water which is more difficult to drink considering our hot weather. 

A study, published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, found that drinking 500ml of water ( less than small Eva water) before meals led to a weight loss of 3lbs (1.5kg)in 8 weeks. 
The study was carried out on 50 overweight females for eight weeks, during which they were instructed to drink 500 ml of water, three times a day, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. This to be in addition to their normal water intake.
We all drink water yes! But how much water do you drink? And how and when do you drink water???
High points to notes for effective weight lost drinking water are;
1. You must drink at least 2 litres  a day, that is 8 glasses of water.
2. You must drink a glass or two every 2 hours 
3. You must drink a glass or two every 30mins before and after meal. 

     My 7weeks post baby body.

4. Ensure that your urine is clear not dark.  
Doing it right will help you burn fat faster.

The health benefits of drinking water

  • No Calories in Water
  • Can curb your appetite
  • Keeps your skin hydrated and looking younger, fresh and more vibrant.
  • Can alleviate constipation
  • A simple and effective treatment for heartburn.
  • Can reduce the risk of kidney stones
  • Promotes a general feeling of wellbeing
  • Drinking cold water - Your body can burn a few calories to heat the water up to body temperature
Also ensure you eat less and healthy, detox once in a while and do some exercise while you can to tone your body. 
Next week we Shall talk about Detoxing.