Tuesday, 12 May 2015

How To Increase Your Butt Size, 30days Challenge

Have you ever wish your butt was a lot bigger like that of JLo, Kim K, Nicki Minaj, Amber or our very own Mercy Johnson?? A butt that is firm and well toned with your waist/back line standing straight to give it that desired shape? Then join me on a 30days squatting challenge that ll increase your butt without surgery or injecting any silicon. Learn the tricks below.

Squatting everyday has been proven to increase butt size, firmness and tone. Some people will doubt 
this method and say it doesn't work. The question am asking is are you doing it right? Come with me on a simple steps on squatting and what to avoid in other to achieve good result. 


1. Do it correctly, below are some images that can help you. 
2. Take a break to heal from soreness ( 30days can be 45days process) 
3. Eat a lot of protein 
4. Here is the Tricky part,  add some weight if you are too skinning or don't if you are still on the big side. Reason is that ass need some form of resistance or weight for growth. 

Follow the steps and do it correctly for effective result. In 30days you ll be Ass breaking the internet like Kim and Nicki Minaj.

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