Saturday 27 June 2015

PMAN crisis: Tee Mac slammed Pretty Okafor about the PMAN landed property been handed over to him.

The crisis in PMAN is still on going between fractional heads who are fighting over presidency of Association. recently Pretty Okafor told Sun newspaper that Tee Mac has handed over to him the Abuja landed property worth N5.6billion for the building of PMAN Headquarters in Abuja. 

Tee Mac has since addressed the false information speculated by Pretty Okafor during the NAFDAC MOU Anti counterfeit ceremony with evidence of the certificate last week. He said the original documents were never handed over to any body and that he will be the custodian of the documents with the help of the PMAN lawyer until new president of PMAN emerged. 

See what  a N5.6billion  landed property certificate looks like in  photo below.

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