Saturday 13 June 2015

The Man whose Eye-Witness Interview Went Viral, Has been Arrested for Shoplifting. Lol.

 This happened like 3days ago and it got me rolling on the floor, this dude in the mugshot above gave an eye witness account of an accident that involved a police officer chasing another car, and the video went viral because of his looks and the hilarious way he described the incident. the 5mins fame later landed him in trouble has he was identified by shop owner as a shoplifter who stole from them. he has since been arrested and charged.

here is Daily mail report, plus all the funny photos from the video. go to @elizabethalukoblog on IG to view the video.

Daily mail.
A man with green hair and fingernails who was interviewed this week at the scene of a crash that injured a Jackson police officer has been arrested.
Courtney Barnes found himself as an internet sensation after his descriptions of a car accident he witnessed sent the internet into overdrive.Unfortunately for him though, his face cropping up on TV meant that a local store looking for a thief who appeared on their CCTV could identify the culprit. 

The eccentric young man was first spotted giving an eyewitness account of a police chase he’d seen that had taken place in Jackson, Mississippi to WLBT and it was quite likely to be the best TV interview ever given. 

'Girl, he hit the pole! His head went to one side, his body went to the other side, and this is the result. Lord be with this young man! He need a blessing.'
'Well, ma'am, I was actually going to buy a piece of burger from Burger King!'
'Ma'am, I just cannot bear to continue to talk.' 
'It was a full twist-about, and the police car just twist around like a tornado, girl!'
'This police officer doesn't know if his life is going to continue to make it, or he gonna just tap out.'
'The police officer's car fishtailed. That's what happened! It fishtailed, ma'am!'

He described the incident in hilarious detail, with quotes such as ‘It was a full twist-about and the police car just twist around like a tornado, girl, and the Lord just shook it up and the man got injured,’ sending his interview viral.
But his distinctive style and looks meant that the local business knew they had got their man. 
He went to the Ridgeland Police Department, where he was arrested and booked on a contempt of court charge. Barnes has over $1,600 in fines, mostly traffic-related.
Barnes was then handed over to the Jackson Police Department, where he was charged in connection with a shoplifting case, police said. He is accused of stealing a hat among other items, from a clothing store. 
Jackson police could not immediately say where the alleged shoplifting took place, but Barnes bears a striking resemblance to a suspect who was caught on CCTV in April.
Barnes denies lying about his account of the car crash that he supposedly witnessed and insists he is not a shoplifting suspect.
'Now, we all know that it's not accurate information,' Barnes said. 'I am personally taking care of certain information, but that is not accurate. And for those out there that are trying to stomp over my success, I pray for you and I hope that I can one day celebrate with you,' he told WAPT.

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