Saturday 13 June 2015

United Kingdom Celebrated Queen Elizabeth II 89th Birthday Today, Prince George Made His First Balcony Appearance.

the Ceremony took place at the Buckingham palace, and Prince George made his first appearance on the Balcony along side his royal family. below is how UK Daily mail is reporting it.  see all the beautiful photos

Daily mail.
Decked out in all their military finery, with bearskins, cavalry and soldiers galore, the Royal family assembled in central London today for the Trooping of the Colour to mark the Queen's official birthday.But despite all the splendour on show, there was only one star, as gorgeous Prince George made his first appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to wave at the adoring crowds gathered below alongside the Duchess of Cambridge, making her first appearance since giving birth last month.

The young price was wearing a baby-blue outfit trimmed with white frills, in a deliberate echo of Price William's own outfit when he first appeared on the balcony held by Charles 31 years ago. When George had appeared at the window of the palace earlier in the day, he had been wearing a dark jumper. 

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