Wednesday 1 July 2015

Did OAP, Freeze spontaneously spent £60k on a Watch while on a shopping spree in Lagos?

Daddy Freeze love for expensive time piece knows no bound, and this "Ballon Bleu de Cartier" goes for £60k online which is about N20m. So my question is, what are his other sources of income beside being a presenter with Cool Fm? did I hear endorsement? He as just one which is of recent and we all know how much hosting a show or event cost, so how is freeze making his money? because walking casually into a shop and dropping £60k which is like N20m can only be expected of A-list celebrity or billionaires alike.

I think the public deserve to know the mystery behind Freeze income and Lagos state internal revenue need do a proper investigation on his sources of income, to determine if he is paying adequate tax or under stating his income for tax purposes which is a criminal offence.  

Just saying, change has to start with us first before the government. See his post on how he spontaneously bought the said watch from PoloAvenue. 

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