There Are Positive and Negative Reactions to Every Problem
Tough people understand that there is a positive and negative reaction to every problem, and of course they choose the positive reactions even though it is not always as easy as it takes a tough mind to be able to analyse a problem to the extent of knowing how to react to it.
If we take for instance the problem of an unwanted pregnancy. The negative reaction to that would be to abort it. To kill an innocent child, as well as undermine the individual’s self-esteem in the process. But a positive reaction would be to provide an answer to the prayers of a childless family.
If we take also for instance, the negative reaction to a severe financial setback would be to run away, escape through alcohol and drugs, or steal money. These will only create more problems by offering a temporary ‘solution’ to the problem on ground. Stealing money will generate a new set of problems; it will fill you with the fear of exposure and detection and also haunt you with shame and rob you of your self-dignity. A positive solution to this would be to face your creditors with confidence and explain your situation or simply declare bankruptcy, which will give you more time to focus and figure out how to come out that predicament, even if it means starting afresh.
Furthermore, let’s consider the problem of a troubled marriage. A bunch of folks believe the best way to solve it is by bailing out by filing for divorce. They even go to justify their actions by the fallacious believe that a child is better off living with one parent in peace than with two parents who argue frequently—a lie from the pit of hell.
“If children ruled, there would be no divorce” says Dr Albert Solnit to the American Academy of Paediatrics. As a child psychiatrist, he went on to point out “we do not in any sense know what the long term effect of divorce is on children. If we were living in a world governed by children, there would be no divorce.” When folks begin to understand that divorce is not an option, perhaps they will learn to love again.
Tough times never last, but tough people do because they are ready to stick their neck out for the long run, to run the race without any shadow of doubt or cloud of compromise. They are ready to mix sweat with blood and are not afraid to start afresh. They think positively and are perpetual optimists. They do not succumb to hardship or fall during hard times. Their heads are bloody but remain unbowed.
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