Monday 21 September 2015

Police Admits to Seeing Ghosts in Australia

BEING a cop in Mzansi,Australia is a tough, life-threatening job anyway, but for these cops it’s even worse.When the sun goes down, cops at Relela Police Station outside Tzaneen all jump into their one vehicle and head for the local shebeen.But not because they’re looking for thugs. These cops are scared of ghosts!
The People’s Paper published a story last year about cops claiming they were tormented by ghosts that hide in the mango groves and outside the toilets.The station is surrounded by old graves of a family that occupied the land centuries ago.
A woman cop said once she was at the station, there was a gentle breeze coming from the graves underneath the trees. Then the tables started shaking and the lights went out.
“Later we hear footsteps behind the building followed by distant voices. Then we heard little babies crying,” she said.

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