Sunday 20 September 2015

SHOCKING: 12 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide in Mushin, Lagos

Residents in a part of Mushin, Lagos, have been thrown into mourning following the horrific death of a 12-year-old girl, who allegedly committed suicide.

The story after the cut..

The young girl identified as Mulikat Hassan, was found dead around 6pm, dangling from the ceiling of her parents’ one-room apartment located at 102, Mushin Road, Ikate, Lagos. Mr and Mrs Hassan came back from work on the fateful day to behold the heart-breaking sight. Both the parents and neighbours are still in shock and perplexed, wondering what drove the pre-teenage girl to take her life.
Claiming to have seen the remains of the deceased hanging from the ceiling. A neighbour said: “When her mother came back from work, she met her other children playing outside the compound and asked after Mulikat. They told her that she was in the house. On getting to the room, she met the door locked from inside and began to knock, thinking that she was asleep. After banging on the door for some time and calling her name, Mama Mulikat became so worried that she had to scream for help. When we got there, we knocked for a while, still there was no response from inside. So, we broke down the door. The sight was gory. Mulikat had tied a rope to the ceiling fan of the room and hung herself. Her body was dan­gling. I feel she had been hanging there for hours since the saliva from her mouth was almost dried up,”he narrated
It was later revealed that the deceased may have been frustrated following sexual advances made towards her by an undisclosed neighbour. Suspicion has it that the man might have raped the girl who had always rejected his advances.
While some other neighbours say it could be a spiritual manipulation.

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