Thursday, 18 February 2016

INSPIRED TODAY: The Borders Of Genius

Last week we spoke on attitude and this week we will be considering what I call The Borders of Genius. First of all let us look into the word borders. A border is a boundary or limit, a sort of demarcation or extent. While genius means to be very clever or original. It also means someone who has a very special mental capacity or possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill.

So, the borders of genius is the extent to which an extraordinary intelligence can be utilised. But you would ask. Could there be an extent to intelligence? Is there any problem intelligence cannot solve?

Someone once said, genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. It means that the extent of your genius is the extent of your perspiration. The extent to which you can stay at a task, persevering till you get it done. It is one thing to have a brilliant idea. Or an intelligent idea, by inspiration. And it is another thing to be able to go through the process of bringing that idea to reality.

Most times, the process is always a tedious process, and the genius must be capable of  going through the process. 90% of the people who shaped our world into what it is today with their discoveries and invention, their art and music, did not get it right the first time they tried. They made sure to repeat the process over and again, learning from their mistakes till they attained perfection.

It is not the inspiration that solves the problem, it is the inspiration plus perspiration. What are your hands on, in this period? What have you been inspired to do? Perhaps when you began, you presumed it will be an easy ride along the slope but you have realised that it isn't as easy as you thought. You are contemplating  abandoning it. You have reached the borders of your own genius.

Everyone is a genius, because everyone can be inspired and everyone has the ability to perspire. But there's one thing that separates the geniuses that changed the world from the rest—their genius had no borders. They perspired till they got it and even till they died. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, Antonio Vilvadi, Wolfgang AmadeusMozart, Michelangelo, L. Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. The list is long and their names wouldn't be forgotten in a short while. Your name can be there too, you can etch your name on that Hall of Fame, but to do that, you must give wings to your genius and let it fly. Let it know no boundaries and borders, for where your imagination meets perseverance, you would have found God.

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